For more esoteric offerings, the On-Line Colleges site offers the 15 most unique college courses in the U.S.:
15. Arguing with Judge Judy: Popular “Logic” on TV Judge Shows University of California, Berkeley
14. Underwater Basket Weaving (Yes, really.)
University of California, San Diego

Pitzer College
12. Philosophy and “Star Trek”
Georgetown University
11. The Art of Walking
Centre College

University of Wisconsin
9. Joy of Garbage
Santa Clara University
8. The Science of Superheroes
University of California at Irvine
7. Zombies in Popular Media
Columbia College, Chicago (syllabus here!)

Frostburg State University
4. “The Simpsons” and Philosophy
University of California-Berkeley
3. “Far Side” Entomology
Oregon State University

Centre College
1. The Strategy of StarCraft
University of California, Berkley
Hmm, looking over my transcripts, I don't seem to have enrolled in any particularly odd classes... I did have a Comparative Literature professor who showed us a slide show of surreal paintings while listening to a Pink Floyd soundtrack.
And that was our final. No joke!
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