
September 9, 2010

Warming Up the Blurb-o-matic!

Over at the, writer Mickey Hess makes a wonderful offer:
Tired of waiting weeks or even MONTHS for back-cover endorsements from recognizable authors? I, Mickey Hess, will blurb any book – that’s right, ANY book – within 24 hours!
Intrigued? Me too! I contacted Mr. Hess, and he obligingly obliged to write a blurb for Bart's King-Sized Book of Fun.

Then I sat back and waited with bated breath. After feverishly checking my e-mail a few times, I was forced to exhale.

Then inhale.

And then the blurb arrived!
“King could hardly be expected to top what he had already accomplished in titles like The Big Book of Boy Stuff and The Pocket Guide to Mischief. What many readers do not know is that King feels compelled to write page after page after page. I think King should be patted on the back. King did an excellent job. This King-Sized Book of Fun definitely should be read by anyone who wants to read King's work.” – Mickey Hess 
Ha! Look at that! I think we can all agree that this is the best blurb ever written for a book. If you think I am overstating the case, I will slightly amend it to this: Hess has done it again!

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