
June 4, 2013

Everyone's at risk!

I get a lot of messages from writers asking me to review their books. These titles are often self-published ... and often defy categorization. Today's slightly edited example plunges right down to business:
Just wanted to let you know about my first novel because you wrote a review of:
1.    a literary or contemporary non-genre novel;
2.    an author who writes about Jewish themes;
3.    an author in the Southern literature canon;
4.    an author featured by Oprah’s Book Club..
I wanted to reach out to sophisticated readers who are comfortable with stories told through multiple points-of-view, but in a conventional, not experimental way.
The novel, mostly comic in flavor, is about three aspiring jazz singers and the musicians with whom they do their best to coexist. Two of the singers are women. The third is a male ex-cantor, Rabbinical school dropout who performs in drag, and is possibly my favorite character I’ve ever written.
Still with me? There's more!
Possibly you may care to review it on Amazon, Goodreads, or some other book lovers website sometime over the next few weeks, or anytime this year. I've also just published a comic novel that to some degree satirizes corporate and political treachery. It’s about a law firm headed by eight ancient vampires, where associates who don’t make partner may become dinner, and the senior partner who is also the romantic lead is equally vulnerable.  He is a vampire, and was Jewish during his human life.  Also at risk is the gay black male associate who is the BFF of the female lead.  Well, everyone’s at risk.
You know what? That story actually sounds sort of cool. Bonus: Everyone's at risk!

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