obituary in the
New York Times for comic artist
Bill Elder (1921-2008) featured this, the greatest photograph of the 20th century.
1939 photo shows future
MAD magazine writer/artists
Bill Elder (
above right) and
Al Jaffe. The two schlubs are seemingly just clowning around in their Brooklyn high school cafeteria.
But there’s
something more here than mere comic perfection. Elder and Jaffe grew up during the
Depression, an era when law dictated that every American be photographed in somber mien (
And yet here’s these
two goofballs.
Elder and Jaffe could have gone into
dry cleaning or retail, but they were destined to be
comic artists. In that capacity, Elder squeezed an
astounding density of humorous details into his illustrations, like this one from his 1954
MAD piece, “Restaurant!” (
Full page layout below.)
Elder was also the artist who began
wedging funny doodles in the marginalia of each page of
MAD. His sophomoric humor was so
charmingly unfettered that it leads me right back to
that photo at the top. Now
those are two unfettered kids. God love 'em.
"The Greatest Photograph of the 20th Century"?
Hmm, that seems a bit pretentious.
I guess it's a good thing I scaled back a bit when I amended this blog entry's original title, namely:
"Inarguably the Greatest Two-Dimensional Image of the 13th-21st Centuries"
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