1.) Sell cheaper "slouchy bags."
2.) Hire Shepard Fairey (the artist who designed the Obama Hope poster) to get consumers fired up about slouchy bags.
2.) Hire Shepard Fairey (the artist who designed the Obama Hope poster) to get consumers fired up about slouchy bags.
The result is this ad campaign, which mixes Soviet kitsch with, uh, slouchiness. Now who wants a slouchy bag? (I do, I do!)
The ad reminded me of the 1940 promotional poster below that the Children's Book Council commissioned from Maud and Miska Petersham.
"Comrade! You will find the books on our recommended reading list educational and enlightening. Read, so that a new social order may be born."
The ad reminded me of the 1940 promotional poster below that the Children's Book Council commissioned from Maud and Miska Petersham.
Does this mean we will all be ordered to buy slouchy bags?
But since it is your required social duty to have a slouchy bag to initiate a new world order... Yes!
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